Your Franchising Team

We believe in providing our franchisees with ample support and guidance. That’s why we have a restaurant franchise process that was specifically designed to foster your success, along with an expert team to support you along the way.

Button here

Left Right Dual Image

  • Option to adjust layout by switching content and media columns
  • Media column houses two vertical images
  • Content column houses wysiwyg for your content needs
Label Name Type Notes
Content tab
Content left_right_dual_image_content wysiwyg
Small Image left_right_dual_image_small_image clone (Clone of Utility : Image)
Large Image left_right_dual_image_large_image clone (Clone of Utility : Image)
Settings tab
Layout left_right_dual_image_layout button_group
Vertical Spacing left_right_dual_image_vertical_spacing select
Background tab
Background Color left_right_dual_image_background_color button_group (Clone of Utility : Background Color)